Thursday 14 October 2010

My final research proposal

Finally, today was the presentation day for all of us, and finally, I have made up my mind to focus on my topic.. 'resistance to change'... although it sounds simple, I had undergone turbulence to finalize these chapters... I just hope that my lecturer would find tune to the paper.

Click here for the research proposal:

Friday 8 October 2010

Qualitative Data Analysis

Content analysis is a technique which allows researchers to study human behaviours which are done indirectly and through any forms of communications of the subjects which are being studied eg. written and spoken communication. The study is done by analysing all sorts of communication pertaining to the research that is currently done by the researchers.

There are many reasons as to why the content analysis method takes place. For example, when a researcher wants to obtain descriptive information, to analyse an observation made, to discuss further on the interview data, to study other researchers’ researches, etc.

There are some advantages of using content analysis as follows:-
• Unobtrusive – researcher can observe without anyone realize
• Useful in analysing interview and observational data
• Researcher can have feel of the data even they have not existed during the period
• Comparatively easy to conduct
• Can be replicated

There are some disadvantages, though:-
• The data / information is only limited to the recorded information
• It is quite difficult to establish validity
• The researchers’ interpretation may be over-exaggerate based on available data only

Content analysis method is often used with other methods ie. historical and ethnographic research.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Chapter 1 again...

After doing my Chapter 1, with an earlier title, I realize that I have got a new scope which may be better from an earlier chapter... Spoke to the lecturer, and agreed that I redo my Chapter 1. I need more time as currently I am struggling with the AR... I know that I am a little bit behind time,but I'll try my level best to complete it before the deadline...

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Chapter 1...

It was not easy to look for a title for the Research Proposal... To look for a gap in any of education issues were quite tough for me as I was not in teaching line... Despite having an experience working in a private university before, I was never involved in the teaching line... I was in its HR dept before.

Hence, to think of a title, is like a ticking bomb to me... waiting to explode... anyhow, I manage to find one... and I really hope that Dr Teoh would condone to my title and the gap that I am probing... Having said that, I myself having a tense period to look for the gap...

We shall see the outcome of the research...

Presentation 3 - Instrumentation

Presentation 3 which took place on 12/8/10 had been conducted by Norlela, Zubaidah and Roslina. The presentation was again, quite heavy but very informative.

Thanks to Ela, Kak Zu and also Ros who have been very patient with us.

To view the slides, click here.


Instrumentation is a process of a preparation of a researcher in collecting data for their research. Data is information that is gathered by a person who intends to conduct a research. Data consists of demographic information eg. gender, age, occupation, etc. Apart from that, interviews outcome, responses from respondents are also called data.

Validity of data means the data could be accounted for and defended in terms of inferences. As for reliability, it means the researcher has reliable instruments which produced result that is consistent to be used by the researcher. Objectivity is needed in conducting a research and researcher should avoid subjectivity from his or her judgement.

Types of instruments include rating scales, interview schedules, observation forms, tally sheets, flowcharts, performance checklists, anecdotal records, and time-an-motion logs. Respondents would complete questionnaires, self checklists, attitude scales, personality inventories, etc. Written-response instruments are all kind of written responses from respondent ie. multiple choice, true / false, short answer, etc. Performance instruments are more towards devices designed to measure procedures or products.

A raw score is the initial score and a derived score is a raw score which had been translated into a meaningful score.

There are four types of measurement scales which are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Nominal scale uses number to indicate membership in a category, ordinal scale uses numbers to rank scores, interval scale uses numbers in representing equal intervals in various groups and ratio scales uses numbers to represent equal distances from one point.

Summary some more...
Four roles that observer can play:-
• Participant observation – researcher takes part in the study
• Non-participant observation – researcher only observes the group
• Naturalistic observation – observing individuals naturally ie. the researcher records all data that he observes without leaving anything or manipulating the data.
• Simulation – the researcher instructs the subject what to do but not how to do to observe the subjects’ acts and actions towards his instruction

Observer can give impacts towards the observations indirectly as by being in the area observed, they might affect the way the subject reacts towards the situation.

Observer bias may takes place when the researcher choose the outcome or findings based on what they see or hear and listen.

Another method to collect data in qualitative research is interviewing selected individuals. There are four types of interviews as follows:-
• Structured interview ] – verbal questionnaires
• Semistructured interview ] and formal
• Informal interview – less formal interviews compared to structured or semistructured
• Retrospective interview – can be either the above interview types. The subject has to recall and reconstruct their memory on something happened in the past.

There are six basic types of questions asked to respondents as follows:-
• Background / Demographic – background of the respondent
• Knowledge – info that the respondent has on certain issue (more on the issue of the research
• Experience / Behaviour – info on experience that the respondent had previously
• Opinion – questions are directed to what respondent think on certain issues
• Feelings – concerns on how respondent feel about certain issues
• Sensory – focus on what the respondent has sensed – seen tasted, smelled, touched.

Presentation 2 - Sampling

My group - Normazhazlin, Hanim and myself - Azlyn Sarafina had on 5/8/10 presented a topic of Sampling and Population.

We covered the following topics in Sampling and Population :-
* the definition of sampling and population
* the purpose of sampling
* random and non-random sampling methods
* sample size
* external validity
* population generalizability

I do want to attach our presentation slides here, unfortunately, I am not an IT savvy, thus, I do not quite sure how to do it...

With Mai's help, now I know how to link a file to my blogspot... Thanks to her, I now become better in using this.

You may click here to view / download the presentation.

Presentation 1 - Types of Educational Research - Qualitative and Quantitative

Presentation 1 was presented by Zahira, Agalitha and Marliana. Personally, the presentation was very heavy that quite hard for me to absorb. But coupled with self-reading, I could grasp some of the points.

Thanks to Zara, Aga and Lia for sharing the great info...


Quantitative research - Generates statistics through the use of large-scale survey research, using questionnaires or structured interviews as its methods. Obtain more respondents and faster compared to in qualitative research.

Qualitative research – explores attitudes, behaviour and experiences using methods, for example, interviews to study more from the respondents.

Mixed-method research – the combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in a study.

There are 5 methodologies of quantitative research as follows:-
• Experimental – best way to establish cause-and-effect relationship amongst variables
• Survey – research based on opinion of respondents about particular topic or issue that are studied
• Causal comparative – determine the cause of the existing differences amongst groups studied
• Correlation – study the relationship of more than one variables and there is no manipulation of variables
• Single subject – study about one particular subject

There are 5 methodologies of qualitative research as follows:-
• Phenomenology – investigate reactions or perceptions towards a phenomenon
• Historical – collection and evaluation of data based on events that occurred in the past
• Ethnographic – appropriate for behaviours that is understood by observing them naturally.
• Observation and interviewing – findings that is done based on observation made and interviews conducted
• Case studies – a detailed study about an event or activities or even a group of individuals