Friday 8 October 2010

Qualitative Data Analysis

Content analysis is a technique which allows researchers to study human behaviours which are done indirectly and through any forms of communications of the subjects which are being studied eg. written and spoken communication. The study is done by analysing all sorts of communication pertaining to the research that is currently done by the researchers.

There are many reasons as to why the content analysis method takes place. For example, when a researcher wants to obtain descriptive information, to analyse an observation made, to discuss further on the interview data, to study other researchers’ researches, etc.

There are some advantages of using content analysis as follows:-
• Unobtrusive – researcher can observe without anyone realize
• Useful in analysing interview and observational data
• Researcher can have feel of the data even they have not existed during the period
• Comparatively easy to conduct
• Can be replicated

There are some disadvantages, though:-
• The data / information is only limited to the recorded information
• It is quite difficult to establish validity
• The researchers’ interpretation may be over-exaggerate based on available data only

Content analysis method is often used with other methods ie. historical and ethnographic research.

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