Wednesday 18 August 2010

Presentation 1 - Types of Educational Research - Qualitative and Quantitative

Presentation 1 was presented by Zahira, Agalitha and Marliana. Personally, the presentation was very heavy that quite hard for me to absorb. But coupled with self-reading, I could grasp some of the points.

Thanks to Zara, Aga and Lia for sharing the great info...


Quantitative research - Generates statistics through the use of large-scale survey research, using questionnaires or structured interviews as its methods. Obtain more respondents and faster compared to in qualitative research.

Qualitative research – explores attitudes, behaviour and experiences using methods, for example, interviews to study more from the respondents.

Mixed-method research – the combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in a study.

There are 5 methodologies of quantitative research as follows:-
• Experimental – best way to establish cause-and-effect relationship amongst variables
• Survey – research based on opinion of respondents about particular topic or issue that are studied
• Causal comparative – determine the cause of the existing differences amongst groups studied
• Correlation – study the relationship of more than one variables and there is no manipulation of variables
• Single subject – study about one particular subject

There are 5 methodologies of qualitative research as follows:-
• Phenomenology – investigate reactions or perceptions towards a phenomenon
• Historical – collection and evaluation of data based on events that occurred in the past
• Ethnographic – appropriate for behaviours that is understood by observing them naturally.
• Observation and interviewing – findings that is done based on observation made and interviews conducted
• Case studies – a detailed study about an event or activities or even a group of individuals

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